martes, 16 de abril de 2019

INTERNATIONAL POLITIC CUBA: MARIELA CASTRO ESPÍN AND CASTROLALIA. In psychiatric terms, there is a language disorder called ECOLALIA. Well, our Castroist princess Mariela Castro Espin suffers from this symptom, even if you call it Castrolalia or Castro filia-which is more serious because it is genetic. Following the kidnapping of the two doctors in Kenya by a Somali jihadist group Al Shavah, the Cuban spokewoman did not hesitate to award the kidnapping to Imperialism of the North. She did not give the right to doubt that such an armed group did so in exchange for dollars to buy weapons or for simple ambition for money. Cubans are already related to these phrases. For that reason one of the first steps of the Castrismo was to create the Myth of the Enemy since the revolution triumphed. They blamed him for

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